My Solo Travel Experience in Amsterdam

Thoughts, Travel

What do you do when life gets confusing? You go on a solo trip to Amsterdam. Well, not exactly. But, that’s what I did. For the past decade, I’ve always traveled with a companion, which was safe, comfortable, and predictable. One person prefers to wake up at the crack of dawn, while the other likes […]

July 20, 2019

What I loved about Curaçao


Vibrant. Warm. Rich in culture. These are just a few of the words I would use to describe Curaçao. Why Curaçao? Well, I was in mid-Google search of “affordable countries to visit in the Caribbean,” when Curaçao popped up. I have to be completely honest. I barely knew anything about this unknown island, but that’s […]

April 26, 2019

My 4 Day Trip to Tulum


Hi friends! Sorry that I’ve been MIA — there’s been so much going on but that should not be an excuse. We all have busy schedules, right? Well, I started a new job and it’s really exciting. And I’m doing more of what I enjoy doing – which is marketing and communications. It’s crazy how […]

December 29, 2018

Top 3 Beaches to Visit in Panama

Food, Travel

I don’t know about you guys but this gloomy weather has had me dreaming of a relaxing beach getaway for some time now. Somewhere tropical with crystal blue water that makes you contemplate leaving the Big Apple and moving to an island. Well, that might just be my daydream but I’m sure you can relate […]

April 3, 2018

Creamy and Delicious Lentil Soup

Food, Recipes

Who doesn’t love a tasty lentil soup on a chilly night? Actually, I would eat lentil soup any night 🙂 This soup is surprisingly one of the healthiest and easiest soups to make! Lentils are a great source of protein and great as a meatless meal option. Lentils help lower cholesterol, are great for digestion, […]

March 16, 2018

Mouthwatering Vegan Comfort Food

Food, Thoughts

This summer will mark two years that I decided to eliminate meat from my diet. This was a major lifestyle change for me and at times I still can’t believe that I’m actually doing it. In the beginning, I must admit that it had its challenges. The reason it was difficult is that I barely […]

February 15, 2018

Tips for Traveling to Greece

Food, Travel

My second trip to Europe was just as amazing as the first. If you recall, I traveled to Europe for the first time back in 2015, where I visited Spain (Madrid and Barcelona) and I have been eager to go back ever since. Well, it finally happened and I traveled to Greece! For those that […]

October 12, 2017

Top 5 activities to do in St. Maarten


Visiting St. Maarten has to be one of my favorite trips. It’s gorgeous, affordable and easy to get around. Located in the Caribbean, this beautiful island has views that just take your breath away. Only 34 square miles, exploring the country in just one day is super easy! As a dual-governed island you have the […]

March 21, 2017

Where to go in New Orleans


Ahhh, New Orleans. My trip to NOLA was absolutely incredible. New Orleans is a city rich with history and culture and has been on my bucket list for quite some time. What also made this trip great, was that I traveled alone. Yes, for the first time I visited another city by myself, not by […]

December 29, 2016

My Journey to Eating Clean

Food, Thoughts

Updated: April 26th, 2019. Why did I choose to stop eating animals? That’s the question I usually hear when I say that I have made the decision to eliminate meat from my diet. For as long as I can remember, I always enjoyed eating it. No one in my family or circle of friends is […]

September 17, 2016